Theory of change – discussion paper

‘Theory of Change’ (ToC) increasingly attracts the attention of project and program planners eager to promote good or best practice of program planning, monitoring and evaluation.

This paper, authored by Malene Sønderskov, Strategihuset,  has been prepared specially for Fagligt Fokus as an input for the learning process on how Danish CSOs and their partners can integrate Theory of Change in their programme planning.

What is Theory of Change?
The article focuses on Theory of Change mainly as a technical tool for planning of program interventions and for the development of frameworks for monitoring and evaluation. The article argues  that – if used consistently – ToC is well suited to deal with the complexity, non-­‐linear and unpredictable  factors that often affect social programming.  The article further argues, that ToCcan help improve planning and commitment of planners to implement their plan as it improves our understanding of why certain interventions are more feasible than others.

Download Theory of Change discussion paper (pdf)